川端 良平
胃がん | 手術、薬物療法(抗がん剤治療、免疫治療)、放射線治療、緩和治療 |
食道がん | 手術、薬物療法(抗がん剤治療、免疫治療)、放射線治療、緩和治療 |
GIST(消化管間質腫瘍) | 手術、化学療法、緩和治療 |

■ 「負担の少ない治療」をおこなっています
手術支援ロボット(da Vinci)などの鏡視下手術など、患者さんの負担が少なくなる治療を積極的に取り入れています。
■ 臨床研究による「新しいの治療」にも取り組んでいます
手術支援ロボット「da Vinci -ダヴィンチ-」などの鏡視下手術で、患者さんの負担が少なくなることが期待されます。
2019年 | 2020年 | 2021年 | 2022年 | 2023年 | |
胃がん | 171 | 140 | 179 | 180 | 182 |
食道がん | 49 | 45 | 50 | 51 | 64 |
GIST(消化管間質腫瘍) | 11 | 9 | 8 | 6 | 8 |
■ 進行度(ステージ)
① 内視鏡手術(ESD=内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術)
がんを内視鏡(胃カメラ)下で切除して治療する方法で、胃カメラの先から電気メスを出して病変を削り取ります。がんのタイプ、大きさ、がんの深さなどで内視鏡手術を行うことができるか否かが決まります。入院での治療ですが、治療中は静脈麻酔を行うため、痛みや不快感も少ないです。 切り取った組織は病理検査を行い、「がん」を全て切除できたかどうかを判定します。病理検査の結果によっては外科手術による追加治療が必要になることがあります。
② 外科手術
■ 低侵襲手術(ロボット支援手術/腹腔鏡下手術)
この手術は、腹腔鏡により臓器や血管および神経を拡大することが可能で、従来の開腹手術では見えなかった細かい血管や神経まで見えるので細やかな手術操作が可能です。胃がんを確実に治すために切除すべき胃やリンパ節の切除範囲は腹腔鏡下手術でも開腹手術でも変わりません。近年では、手術支援ロボット「da Vinci -ダヴィンチ-」を用いた腹腔鏡手術により、より正確で精密な手術が可能になります。
③ 化学療法
胃がんが、肝臓や肺、腹膜、遠くのリンパ節に転移している場合や、外科手術後に再発した場合は、外科手術だけでは全てのがん細胞を完全に切除することが出来ないため、抗がん剤治療を行う必要があります。抗がん剤の治療薬は「がんの性質」や患者さんの状態やニーズを考慮して適切なものを選択します。 基本的には通院で抗がん剤治療を受けることが可能で、当院ではゆっくりくつろいで、抗がん剤治療を受けて頂ける外来化学療法室を備えています。なお、初めて治療を受けられる場合や入院治療が必要な抗がん剤の場合などは入院で治療を行うことがあります。
① 内視鏡治療
② 外科手術
③ 放射線治療
④ 化学療法
⑤ 緩和的治療
GISTは、Gastrointestinal stromal tumorの略で、胃や腸などの消化管の内側の粘膜の下で発育する腫瘍です。粘膜の下の筋層にある「カハール介在細胞」の前駆細胞(カハール介在細胞の元になる細胞)が異常に増殖し、腫瘍化する病気です。発症率は年間に10万人に対して1人から2人くらいと、まれな腫瘍です。発生部位は胃が60~70%と最も多く、小腸は20~30%、大腸と食道は約5%とされています。
title | authers | journal | year |
Minimizing invasiveness and simplifying the surgical procedure for upper and middle early gastric cancer with near-infrared light and organ traction | Nagano S, Ushimaru Y, Kawabata R, et al. | World J Surg Oncol. | 2023 |
Soluble programmed cell death ligand 1 predicts prognosis for gastric cancer patients treated with nivolumab: Blood-based biomarker analysis for the DELIVER trial | Kawakami H, Kawabata R, et al. | Eur J Cancer. | 2023 |
A Multicenter, Phase II Trial of Schedule Modification for Nab-Paclitaxel in Combination with Ramucirumab for Patients with Previously Treated Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer: The B-RAX Trial (JACCRO GC-09) | Kawabata R, et al. | Target Oncol. | 2023 |
Multicenter phase II study of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin in older patients with advanced gastric cancer: the Tokyo Cooperative Oncology Group (TCOG) GI-1601 study | Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2023 |
Incidence and risk factors for venous thromboembolism in the Cancer-VTE Registry stomach cancer subcohort | Yoshikawa T, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2023 |
Incidence and risk factors for venous thromboembolism in the Cancer-VTE Registry stomach cancer subcohort | Kawada J, Kawabata R, et al. | Ann Gastroenterol Surg. | 2023 |
Survival impact of microsatellite instability in stage II gastric cancer patients who received S-1 adjuvant monotherapy after curative resection | Sato C, Kawabata R, et al. | Sci Rep. | 2023 |
Effects of postoperative oral elemental nutritional supplement on skeletal muscle loss after gastrectomy for gastric cancer | Nishikawa K, Kawabata R, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol. | 2023 |
Comparison of the effects of open and laparoscopic approach on body composition in gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A propensity score-matched study | Takeoka T, Kawabata R, et al. | Ann Gastroenterol Surg. | 2023 |
Adjuvant Chemotherapy With S-1 Plus DocetaxelVersusS-1 Plus Oxaliplatin in Stage III Gastric Cancer | Yamamoto M, Hara H, Takeoka T, et al. | Anticancer Res | 2023 |
Tumor Deposit Is an Independent Factor Predicting Early Recurrence and Poor Prognosis in Gastric Cancer | Fujikawa K, Hara H, et al. | J Gastrointest Surg | 2023 |
Early detection of brain metastases and appropriate local therapy followed by systemic chemotherapy may improve the prognosis of gastric cancer | Ishizuka Y, Hara H, et al. | Sci rep. | 2023 |
Prognostic value of a novel index combining the prognostic nutritional index and D-dimer levels for gastric cancer after gastrectomy | Yamamoto M, Hara H, Takeoka T, et al. | Oncology | 2023 |
Comparison of the effects of open and laparoscopic approach on body composition in gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A propensity score-matched study | Takeoka T, et al. | Ann Gastroenterol Surg | 2023 |
Clinical Impact of Metastatic Lymph Node Size on Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Preoperative Chemotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy | Sugimura K, Takeoka T, Hara H, et al. | Ann Surg Oncol | 2023 |
ASO Author Reflections: Clinical Impact of Metastatic Lymph Node Size on Therapeutic Effect and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Who Underwent Preoperative Chemotherapy Followed by Esophagectomy | Sugimura K, Takeoka T, Hara H | Ann Surg Oncol | 2023 |
Clinicopathological characteristics and survival outcomes in patients with advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma who were intraoperatively diagnosed non-curative | Sugase T, Takeoka T, Hara H, et al | Oncology | 2023 |
Modified Collard technique is more effective than circular stapled for cervical esophagogastric anastomosis in prevention of anastomotic stricture: a propensity score-matched study | Takeoka T, Hara H, et al | Dis Esophagus | 2023 |
Clinical Impact of Early Tumour Shrinkage in Metastatic or Unresectable Oesophageal Cancer Treated with Pembrolizumab plus Chemotherapy | Sugase T, Takeoka T, Hara H, et al | Oncology | 2023 |
Analysis of the risk factors for osteoporosis and its prevalence after gastrectomy for gastric cancer in older patients: a prospective study | Kawabata R, et al. | Surg Today | 2022 |
Initial Safety Analysis of CapeOx for Elderly Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer Patients: A Phase II Trial | Chin K, Kawabata R, et al. | Anticancer Res | 2022 |
Real-world effectiveness of third- or later-line treatment in Japanese patients with HER2-positive, unresectable, recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer: a retrospective observational study | Sakai D, Kawabata R, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol | 2022 |
Three-Year Outcomes of a Phase II Study of Perioperative Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin Therapy for Clinical SS/SE N1-3 M0 Gastric Cancer (OGSG 1601) | Matsuyama J, Kawabata R, et al. | Oncologist | 2022 |
Survival analysis of a prospective multicenter observational study on surgical palliation among patients with malignant bowel obstruction caused by peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer | Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric cancer | 2022 |
Prospective Multicenter Interventional Study of Surgical Resection for Liver Metastasis from Gastric Cancer: R0 Resection Rate, and Operative Morbidity and Mortality | Fujitani K, Kawabata R, et al. | Ann Surg Oncol | 2022 |
Real-world effectiveness of nivolumab in advanced gastric cancer: the DELIVER trial (JACCRO GC-08) | Takahashi Y, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric cancer | 2022 |
Modified Collard technique is more effective than circular stapled for cervical esophagogastric anastomosis in prevention of anastomotic stricture: a propensity score-matched study | Takeoka T, et al. | Dis. Esophagus | 2022 |
Recurrence Pattern Comparing Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy and Preoperative Chemotherapy with Docetaxel plus 5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin for Advanced Esophageal Cancer | Sugase T, Takeoka T, et al. | Oncology | 2022 |
Risk factors and long-term postoperative outcomes in patients with postoperative dysphagia after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer | Sugase T, Takeoka T, et al. | Ann Gastroenterol Surg | 2022 |
Impact of preoperative skeletal muscle mass and physical performance on short-term and long-term postoperative outcomes in patients with esophageal cancer after esophagectomy | Sugimura K, Takeoka T et al. | Ann Gastroenterol Surg | 2022 |
Salvage Surgery for Recurrent Disease after Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Miyata H, Takeoka T, et al. | Ann Surg Oncol. | 2022 |
Perioperative Ghrelin Administration Attenuates Postoperative Skeletal Muscle Loss in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial | Nose Y, Takeoka T, et al. | Ann Surg Oncol. | 2022 |
Comparison ofrobotic gastrectomy andlaparoscopic gastrectomy forgastric cancer: apropensity score‑matched analysis | Omori T, Takeoka T, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2022 |
Safety andefcacy ofpreoperative indocyanine green fuorescence marking inlaparoscopic gastrectomy forproximal gastric andesophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma (ICG MAP study) | Omori T, Takeoka T, et al. | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2022 |
The DOLFIN method: anovel laparoscopic Billroth‑I gastroduodenostomy forgastric cancer withduodenal invasion | Shinno N, Takeoka T, et al. | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2022 |
Laparoscopic Proximal Gastrectomy withNovel Valvuloplastic Esophagogastrostomy vs. Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy forStage I Gastric Cancer: aPropensity Score Matching Analysis | Yamamoto M, Takeoka T, et al. | J Gastrointest Surg | 2022 |
Robotic total gastrectomy withthrombectomy andportal vein reconstruction forgastric cancer andportal vein tumor thrombus | Yamamoto M, Takeoka T, et al. | World J Surg Oncol | 2022 |
Significance of dissection in each regional lymph-node station of esophageal cancer based on efficacy index and recurrence patterns after curative esophagectomy | Kanemura T, Takeoka T, et al. | Esophagus | 2022 |
Efficacy of electrocoagulation hemostasis: a study on the optimal usage of the very-low-voltage mode | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2022 |
A Simple and Safe T-Shaped Esophagojejunostomy for Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy | Ushimaru Y, et al. | J Gastrointest Surg | 2022 |
Real-world data on the efficacy and safety of adjuvant chemotherapy in Japanese patients with a high-risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumor recurrence | Ushimaru Y, Kawabata R, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol | 2022 |
Translation from manual to automatic endoscopic insufflation enhanced by a pressure limiter | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2022 |
A Preclinical Feasibility Study of Endoscopic Barostat: A Possible Diagnostic Tool for Visceral Hypersensitivity in Functional Dyspepsia | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2022 |
Optimization of insufflation and pressure control in third-space endoscopy. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2022 |
Optimization of insufflation and pressure control in third-space endoscopy. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2021 |
Retrograde endoscopic submucosal dissection for early thoracic esophageal carcinoma | Kobayashi Y, Nishikawa K, et al. | "Clin J Gastroenterol" | 2021 |
Prognostic factors for cytology-positive gastric cancer: a multicenter retrospective analysis | Endo S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol | 2021 |
Hybrid approach with laparoscopic wall-inversion surgery and single-incision intragastric surgery for intraluminal gastrointestinal stromal tumor: A case report | Kusunoki C, Nishikawa K, et al. | Asian J Endosc Surg | 2021 |
Safety and activity of trifluridine/tipiracil and ramucirumab in previously treated advanced gastric cancer: an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 trial | Kawazoe A, Nishikawa K, et al. | Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol | 2021 |
A Randomized Phase II Study to Evaluate Prolonged Prophylactic Antibacterial Drug Treatment for Patients with Elevated Drain Amylase Concentration After Gastrectomy with D2 Lymph Node Dissection (REDUCED2). | Miki Y, Nishikawa K, et al. | World J Surg. | 2021 |
Impact of preoperative chemotherapy as initial treatment for advanced gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis limited to positive peritoneal lavage cytology (CY1) or localized peritoneal metastasis (P1a): a multi-institutional retrospective study. | Yamaguchi T, Nishikawa K, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
Effect of early tumor response on the health-related quality of life among patients on second-line chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer in the ABSOLUTE trial. | Fujitani K, Nishikawa K, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
Distal gastrectomy for early gastric conduit carcinoma after Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy | Hirao M, Nishikawa K, et al. | Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2021 |
Docetaxel plus S-1 versus cisplatin plus S-1 in unresectable gastric cancer without measurable lesions: a randomized phase II trial (HERBIS-3) | Kurokawa Y, Nishikawa K, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
Oral nutritional supplements versus a regular diet alone for body weight loss after gastrectomy: a phase 3, multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial | Miyazaki Y, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
QOL assessment after palliative surgery for malignant bowel obstruction caused by peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer: a prospective multicenter observational study. | Ito Y, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
Survival analysis of a prospective multicenter observational study on surgical palliation among patients receiving treatment for malignant gastric outlet obstruction caused by incurable advanced gastric cancer. | Terashima M, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2021 |
An observational study on nutrition status in gastric cancer patients receiving ramucirumab plus taxane: BALAST study. | Mizukami T, Kawabata R, et al. | Future Oncol. | 2021 |
Single-incision laparoscopic repair for a Morgagni hernia: A case report. | Furukawa H, Kawabata R, et al. | Asian J Endosc Surg | 2021 |
Differences in disease status between patients with progression after first-line chemotherapy versus early relapse after adjuvant chemotherapy who undergo second-line chemotherapy for gastric cancer: exploratory analysis of the randomized phase III TRICS trial | Nishikawa K, et al. | European J Cancer | 2020 |
Meta-analysis of two randomized phase III trials (TCOG GI-0801 and ECRIN TRICS) of biweekly irinotecan plus cisplatin versus irinotecan alone as second-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer | Nishikawa K, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2020 |
Is Laparoscopic Gastrectomy More Advantageous for Elderly Patients Than for Young Patients with Resectable Advanced Gastric Cancer? | Ushimaru Y, et al. | World J Surg. | 2020 |
The endoluminal pressures during flexible gastrointestinal endoscopy. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Sci Rep. | 2020 |
Real-time ureteral identification with novel, versatile, and inexpensive catheter. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2020 |
Monitoring of Surgeon’s Surgical Skills Using Internet of Things-Enabled Medical Instruments | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surgery and Operating Room Innovation | 2020 |
A phase II trial of dose-reduced nab-paclitaxel for patients with previously treated, advanced or recurrent gastric cancer (OGSG 1302) | Tamura S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol | 2020 |
Is it Necessary to Confirm Negative Margins in Gastrectomy for Peritoneal Lavage Cytology-positive Gastric Cancer? | Endo S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Anticancer Reserch | 2020 |
Primary results of a randomized two-by-two factorial phase II trial comparing neoadjuvant chemotherapy with two and four courses of cisplatin/S-1 and docetaxel/cisplatin/S-1 as neoadjuvant chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer | Hayashi T, Nishikawa K, et al. | "Ann Gastroenterol Surg" | 2020 |
"Biomarker analysis to predict the pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced gastric cancer: An exploratory biomarker study of COMPASS, a randomized phase II trial." | Oshima T, Nishikawa K, et al. | Oncotarget | 2020 |
Randomized, Phase II Study of Trastuzumab Beyond Progression in Patients With HER2-Positive Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer: WJOG7112G (T-ACT Study) | Makiyama A, Nishikawa K, et al. | J Clin Oncol | 2020 |
Health-related quality of life associated with trifluridine/tipiracil in heavily pretreated metastatic gastric cancer: results from TAGS | Tabernero J, Nishikawa K, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2020 |
Multicentre biomarker cohort study on the efficacy of nivolumab treatment for gastric cancer. | Hagi T, Kawabata R, et al. | Br J Cancer | 2020 |
Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) and Tumor Response as Biomarkers of Nivolumab Monotherapy in Third- or Later-line Setting for Advanced Gastric Cancer. | Kurosaki T, Kawabata R, et al. | In Vivo | 2020 |
Prognostic value of postoperative C-reactive protein elevation versus complication occurrence: a multicenter validation study. | Kurokawa Y, Kawabata R, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2020 |
A Phase II Study of Perioperative Capecitabine plus Oxaliplatin Therapy for Clinical SS/SE N1-3 M0 Gastric Cancer (OGSG 1601). | Terazawa T, Kawabata R, et al. | Oncologist | 2020 |
A case of esophagojejunal varices rupture after proximal gastrectomy with double-tract reconstruction. | Shinno N, Kawabata R, et al. | Surgical Case Rep. | 2020 |
Efficacy of Postoperative Chemotherapy After Resection that Leaves No Macroscopically Visible Disease of Gastric Cancer with Positive Peritoneal Lavage Cytology (CY1) or Localized Peritoneum Metastasis (P1a): A Multicenter Retrospective Study. | Yamaguchi T, Kawabata R, et al. | Ann Surg Oncol. | 2020 |
Dynamics of endoscopic snares: a new approach towards more practical and objective performance evaluation. | Yamasaki Y, Ushimaru Y, et al. | Endosc Int Open. | 2020 |
Innovation in surgery/operating room driven by Internet of Things on medical devices. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2019 |
A study of second-line irinotecan plus cisplatin vs. irinotecan alone in platinum-naïve patients with early relapse of gastric cancer refractory to adjuvant S-1 monotherapy: exploratory subgroup analysis of the randomized phase III TRICS trial | Nishikawa K, et al. | Cancer Chemother Pharmacol | 2019 |
Condition mimicking peritoneal metastasis associated with preoperative staging laparoscopy in advanced gastric cancer. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Asian J Endosc Surg | 2019 |
Occult Hiatal Hernia in Achalasia Patients: Its Incidence and Treatment Options. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Dig Surg. | 2019 |
A novel liver retraction method in laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | Surg.Endosc. | 2019 |
The Feasibility and Safety of Preoperative Fluorescence Marking with Indocyanine Green (ICG) in Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer. | Ushimaru Y, et al. | J Gastrointest Surg | 2019 |
Long-term effects of an oral elemental nutritional supplement on post-gastrectomy body weight loss in gastric cancer patients (KSES002) | Kimura Y, Nishikawa K, Kawabata R, et al. | "Ann Gastroenterol Surg" | 2019 |
Is D2 Lymphadenectomy Essential for Cytology-positive Gastric Cancer? A Retrospective Analysis | Endo S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Anticancer Reserch | 2019 |
Sarcopenia Is Associated With Impaired Overall Survival After Gastrectomy for Elderly Gastric Cancer | Yamamoto K, Nishikawa K, et al. | 2019 | |
"Sex differences in safety of S-1 plus oxaliplatin and S-1 plus cisplatin for patients with metastatic gastric cancer" | Yamada Y, Nishikawa K, et al. | Cancer Sci | 2019 |
Systemic chemotherapy for gastric cancer with early recurrence after adjuvant S-1 monotherapy: a multicenter retrospective study | Mitani S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Int J Clin Oncol | 2019 |
Effects of perioperative Eicosapentaenoic acid-enriched oral nutritional supplement on lean body mass after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer | Aoyama T, Nishikawa K, et al. | Journal of Cancer | 2019 |
Prognostic factors for cytology-positive gastric cancer. | Endo S, Nishikawa K, et al. | Surg Today | 2019 |
"Early tumor shrinkage and depth of response in patients with advanced gastric cancer: a retrospective analysis of a randomized phase III study of first-line S-1 plus oxaliplatin vs. S-1 plus cisplatin" | Nishina T, Nishikawa K, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2019 |
Peritoneal metastasis as a predictive factor for nab-paclitaxel in patients with pretreated advanced gastric cancer: an exploratory analysis of the phase III ABSOLUTE trial. | Takashima A, Nishikawa K, et al. | Gastric Cancer | 2019 |
Clinicopathological Features of Remnant Gastric Cancer (RGC): Detection of RGC after Five Years of Follow-Up Was Associated with a Poor Prognosis. | Kameda C, Kawabata R, et al. | Am Surg. | 2019 |
Trastuzumab With S-1 Plus Cisplatin in HER2-positive Advanced Gastric Cancer Without Measurable Lesions: OGSG 1202. | Endo S, Kawabata R, et al. | Anticancer Reserch | 2019 |
進行・再発胃癌 治療レジメン | 西川和宏 | 医学と看護社(東京) | 2019 |
【胃癌診療2019-現状と課題】胃癌治療の現状と課題 ロボット支援下手術の現状と問題点 | 牛丸 裕貴ら | 臨床消化器内科 | 2019 |
ロボット支援下手術の最前線】胃癌に対するロボット支援下胃全摘術 | 牛丸 裕貴, 黒川 幸典,土岐 祐一郎 | 医学のあゆみ | 2018 |